In your test, the second item in the array should be (for the Home Dashboard):
so you need to find out why it is /home/birdli7/j4/administrator/components/com_blphotos/views/cpanel/
You could step through all of the loadTemplate function in your local site with a debugger.
In your live site you can use file_put_contents(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/logs/test.php, $testvariable . "\n", FILE_APPEND); to write tests to a log file. Reload a page and see what you have. Also cPanel is nothing to do with the hosting service utility of that name.
so you need to find out why it is /home/birdli7/j4/administrator/components/com_blphotos/views/cpanel/
You could step through all of the loadTemplate function in your local site with a debugger.
In your live site you can use file_put_contents(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/logs/test.php, $testvariable . "\n", FILE_APPEND); to write tests to a log file. Reload a page and see what you have. Also cPanel is nothing to do with the hosting service utility of that name.
Statistics: Posted by ceford — Wed May 01, 2024 4:29 am