I updated joomla 3x to 4x
And now when users register to site, the email or activation does not have activation link
This is how users get emails:
I am attaching pdf report of https://forumpostassistant.github.io/docs/
I updated joomla 3x to 4x
And now when users register to site, the email or activation does not have activation link
This is how users get emails:
I searched forum, and find this has happened to other, in english:Hola, %s:
Gracias por registrarse en %s. Su cuenta ha sido creada y debe ser activada antes de que la pueda usar.
Para activar la cuenta, haga clic sobre el siguiente enlace o copie y pegue la URL completa en su navegador:
Tras la activación, ya podrá acceder a %s usando el siguiente usuario y contraseña:
Usuario: %s
Contraseña: %s
But I did not find solutionHello {NAME},
Thank you for registering at {SITENAME}. Your account is created and must be activated before you can use it.
To activate the account select the following link or copy-paste it in your browser:
After activation you may login to {SITEURL} using the following username and password:
Username: {USERNAME}
I am attaching pdf report of https://forumpostassistant.github.io/docs/
Statistics: Posted by construaprende — Tue Mar 12, 2024 4:29 pm